Run safely your campaigns with our Anti-Fraud system
Real-time Fraud Scoring
Block Duplicate Users & Account Abuse
Track Users Switching Devices
Detect Proxies, VPNs, Tor, & Bots
Email Verification including Temporary/Disposable Email Detection
API Documentation & Code Examples
Support 7 Days/Week
Take advantage of our anti-fraud tools to increase your ROI and user value while greatly reducing chargebacks, click fraud, high risk users, and other time-consuming abuse. Our tools truly are the perfect solution for automating quality control and can easily integrate into any website, app, or software with IPQ's detailed API and user platform.
Proxy VPN Detection & IP Filtering
We regulate your traffic by blocking proxies, Tor, VPNs, and other poor quality connections that are synonymous with fraudulent activity. A real-time fraud score is provided for all lookups. This service allows us to easily identify fraudulent purchases, fake accounts, users intentionally spoofing their location, low quality traffic sources for ad campaigns & affiliate marketing, & other types of high risk users. Reduce your chargebacks, reversals, & fake accounts and automate our quality control! Our service is updated in real-time to include the latest compromised devices & proxies into our blacklist.
Email Verification & Disposable Email Address Detection
Ensuring a valid email along with disposable email detection can significantly improve user quality and make the stakes much more difficult for fraudsters to engage in abusive behavior. Our service verifies the existence of an email address with the mail service provider (such as and detects if the email belongs to a temporary or disposable email service that are frequently used for abusive activity.
Increase the value of your user base by ensuring that users sign up for your products, services, trials, & newsletters with a valid email that can produce a return on investment in the future. This service can also perform list hygiene to cleanse newsletter & email lists to reduce your mailing service costs and improve your inbox score.
Live Lookups
We perform live lookups through our platform and API to detect proxies, Tor connections, VPNs, spammers, and other malicious users based on their IP address, email address, and other factors.
Device Fingerprinting
The device fingerprinting functionality is our most advanced anti-fraud tool, providing real-time fraud scores as well as a device tracking ID. This service is capable of detecting users intentionally spoofing their online fingerprint, such as users from Vietnam hiding their identity with a spoofed profile resembling a user in the United States (browser, language, IP address, etc.). Spoofed signatures are frequently used to conduct fraudulent activity and abusive behavior. Our device detection service evaluates over 200 data points. Users can be tracked as they switch between devices or create duplicate accounts.
This service is an excellent solution for blocking abusive traffic in real time. Dashboard reports make it easy to perform post analysis on your traffic and identify potential chargebacks, malicious users, duplicate or high risk accounts, ad fraud & click fraud, and any other type of abusive action.